Photo by Alan Halfhill
Printed Materials and In-Person Contacts:
- The King James and other translations of the Bible, and a wealth of Bible reference materials, along with Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Christian Science magazines, hymnals, music CDs, pamphlets, and other literature on Christian Science can be read, borrowed, or purchased at any Christian Science Reading Room.
- Christian Science practitioners are men and women who devote their full time to helping others through prayer and are available to talk with you about spiritual healing or to provide you with Christian Science treatment. A worldwide listing of practitioners can be found in any copy of The Christian Science Journal, or through the online Journal Directory.
- Christian Science nurses provide skilled, experienced, and compassionate physical assistance to those pursuing spiritual healing through Christian Science. A worldwide listing of nurses can be found in any copy of The Christian Science Journal, or through the online Journal Directory.
- Christian Science Nurse Connections is a web-based information avenue to connect currently available Christian Science Nurses with people desiring to stay in their home and rely on Christian Science treatment for healing. Find out more.
- Are you a university student who is studying Christian Science? Connect with other CS students on campus through The Mother Church College Network.
- CherishAbility is building a compassionate sense of community and support for Christian Scientists with developmental special needs and their families through financial assistance, informational and inspirational resources, and experiential enrichment activities. Learn more.
Resources on the web
- ChristianScience.com: An introduction to anything you might want to know about Christian Science. This site includes short videos in which people tell how the understanding of God gained through studying Christian Science has been a practical, positive force in their lives, and other features, including the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, available to read or listen to in its entirety online.
- ChristianScienceWA.org: Find Christian Science branch churches, Reading Rooms, and upcoming public lectures in the state of Washington, as well as information about activities such as Christian Science religious workers in Washington state institutions and care facilities, and the work of Christian Science nursing facilities in the state.
- The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Online — The Christian Science Publishing Society presents a whole new way of studying, searching, sharing, and subscribing to the Christian Science religious magazines — and all on one, easy-to-use website called JSH-Online.com.
- TeenConnect: Authentic takes on timely topics — written by and for teens.
- TMC Youth: Dynamic resources for college students, teens, kids, and the people who love them.
- The Campership Fund identifies, encourages, and financially assists individuals to attend the camp for Christian Scientists of their choice.
- Online Lectures: Public talks by members of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, which explore questions such as “How does prayer heal?”, “Why does spiritual healing matter in today’s high-tech society?”, and “Who is Mary Baker Eddy and how are her ideas relevant today?”
- CSmonitor.com: The web edition of The Christian Science Monitor, the international daily newspaper acclaimed for its in-depth news, analysis, and insightful editorials.
- The Mary Baker Eddy Library: The library provides public access to original materials and educational experiences about Mary Baker Eddy; the ideas she advanced; her writings; and the institutions she founded and their healing mission.
- The Longyear Museum: An independent historical museum dedicated to advancing the understanding of the life and work of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science.
- www.RiperYears.org: A central online location where senior Christian Scientists and family members or friends (who might be assisting them) can find useful information on housing, personal or household assistance, Christian Science nursing and care facilities, insurance, legal issues related to health care, and more.
- nfcsn.org: The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (NFCSN) is a benevolence fund that can assist Christian Science nursing patients in the United States and its territories. The fund can help in any situation where a Christian Science nurse is needed, including in-home care and facilities.
- Information on the weekly Bible Lesson: Information about the weekly lessons and the various available formats and languages.
- Daily lift audio podcasts serve up fresh, inspiring messages from members of The Mother Church five days a week.